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Welcome To Our Website

The Audio-Visual Innovations Company (AVICO) was first established in Amman in 2016, and since its establishment AVICO is the exclusive distributor of Widex hearing aids - the best hearing aids in the market!

Get In Touch

Telephone: +962-6-5822-466
Fax: +962-6-5822-465
Mobile: +962-770707-276
Address: 267 Zahran Street - Jawharet Al Swaifieh Complex - First Floor Amman - Jordan

Our Location

Audio-Visual Innovations Company

Sana’a Najem graduated from the Pioneer Academy in Jordan with an advanced diploma in administrative Secretary. Sana’a works as an administrative secretary at AVICO main office in Amman since the establishment of the company. Sana’a supervises all the organizational operations at our main office to ensure that each patient and each customer receives our outstanding services, and she is proud to be part of AVICO customer care team. Sana’a has many professional and personal skills that make her capable of accommodating the needs of our patients and customers, as well as developing the working environment. Sana’a lives in Amman – Jordan and you can reach her at: +962-6-5822466.

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